Project Management : Conventional vs Non-conventional
Every Project has to manage efficiently and carefully. It is the matter of failure and success. Obviously, there are many reasons why we need to do project management like, task tracking, observation of timelines, etc. At first, the project should start on time and meet the deadlines, to maintain the quality of the project, to ensure the productivity and to avoid the blame game.
Project Management :
Project management is a technique to apply different skills, methods, tools, and technology to ensure productivity. It requires a group of people with various abilities and aptitudes. Hence, those individuals are in charge of planning and executing the undertaking targets (project objectives). It is important to realize that each project takes after a project life cycle. A sound project plan and design can mean the distinction between failure and success.
Particularly, there are two different kinds of approaches for managing a project: conventional and non-conventional that I am going to elaborate.
Conventional :
Conventional project management or Traditional project management is a common practice which incorporates an arrangement of created methods utilized for planning, assessing, and controlling exercises. Surely, The point of those strategies is to achieve the desired outcome on time, within the planned budget, and as per details. Usually, This practice is helpful where the requirements and activities are stable and there is a sequence flow of completion. Additionally, the idea of CPM depends on expected experience and expected tools. Waterfall methodology is an example of conventional project management.
Obviously, each project takes the same lifecycle, which incorporates five phases :
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Controlling
- Closing
Non-conventional :
Non-conventional project management approach is also called the agile / lean management approach. Mostly, we use this approach in software development, IT related fields, and business enterprises. Obviously, it stands out immensely from the conventional approach. In the non-conventional or agile/lean project management, the project will handle as small tasks. Priority is set for each activity and executed as the situation and importance suggest. On the other hands, It is totally against the conventional project management. Additionally, this approach stands out for two major aspects :
- Eliminating waste
- Improving flow
Conclusion :
Conventional project management is an approach that will work for most areas and conditions. This approach utilizes a universal approach and procedures for managing and problem-solving.
These tools and techniques have been establishing for a long period of time. hence the techniques and methods will precisely anticipate by these tools.
With regards to exceptional situations and conditions, one should move far from conventional project management approach and should investigate present day techniques that have been particularly created for such situations and conditions, which is non-conventional or agile methodology.
Here at Ashtex Solutions, we are managing projects using the non-conventional / agile method which is flexible and demanding by our clients need. What do you think about which approach is suitable for your project and why? Share your idea in a comment section below.